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Tekst oryginalny - Angielski - Cat in the Rain

Obecna pozycjaTekst oryginalny
Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiTurecki

Kategoria Fikcja / Historia

Cat in the Rain
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez love1stan8ul
Język źródłowy: Angielski

‘Yes,’ she said, ‘under the table.’ Then, ‘Oh, I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.’
When she talked English the maid’s face tightened.
‘Come, Signora,’ she said. ‘We must go back inside. You will be wet.’
‘I suppose so,’ said the American girl.
They went back along the gravel path and passed in the door. The maid stayed outside to close the umbrella. As the American girl passed the office, the padrone* bowed from his desk. Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time really important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance. She went on up the stairs. She opened the door of the room. George was on the bed, reading.
‘Did you get the cat?’ he asked, putting the book down.
‘It was gone.’
11 Kwiecień 2015 09:48