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Tekst oryginalny - Angielski - I think I saw a strange creature. A what? A big...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiTurecki

I think I saw a strange creature. A what? A big...
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez sema
Język źródłowy: Angielski

I think I saw a strange creature.
A what?
A big strange creature.
A big strange creature:That's interesting.Hmm.Ok.When did you see it?
Erm...This evening.I think.... I was about half an hour ago.
And where did you see it!
In the garden,among the trees.I was in bed.. trying to sleep when I heard a noise.
A noise
Yes,when I heard the noise,I got up and looked out of the window.
And you saw the strange creature.Right?
Exactly.Then it ran away.
Was there anybody else at home?Did anybody else see creature?
My brother,Trevor and his friend,Greg were at home but they didn't see anything.I think they were asleep in Trevor's bedroom.
27 Luty 2010 21:18