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Tłumaczenie - Niemiecki-Angielski - So bin wieder da ! Das mit Hannover wird woll...

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So bin wieder da ! Das mit Hannover wird woll...
Wprowadzone przez Ann-Christin
Język źródłowy: Niemiecki

So bin wieder da ! Das mit Hannover wird woll nicht klappen ! Aber das mit dem wochenende,kla wieso denn nicht wenn mir uns bessa kennen! Ich liebe dich über alles schatz
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
corrected by Iamfromaustria:
"So, ich bin wieder da! Das mit Hannover wird wohl nicht klappen! Aber das mit dem Wochenende, klar, wieso denn nicht, wenn wir uns besser kennen! Ich liebe dich über alles, mein Schatz."

So, I am back again! This (matter) in Hannover ...

Tłumaczone przez jollyo
Język docelowy: Angielski

So, I am back again! I guess Hannover is off! But as for the weekend... Sure, why not when we get to know each other better! I love you more than anything, darling.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
this text is rather hard to transpone in normal english, since a lot of words are missing, and have to be filled in:
Like: 'das mit Hannover' (my question would be: what then? And therefore I entered the word 'matter')
Same goes for: 'das mit dem wochenende'.
Is 'mir' a typo by the way? It looks like it should be 'wir' and thus 'we'...
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Tantine - 11 Sierpień 2008 01:54

Ostatni Post


4 Sierpień 2008 16:48

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Jollyo

Nice cat, by the way, my home has 7 of them and a kitten too

You have done your best with a rather botchy original but unfortunately, it doesn't make any sense at all in English.

Since AnnChristin seems to be a native German speaker I will ask her to clean up her text and present it in correct German in order to give you a correct basis to work upon.

I will cc a German expert so as she can explian to AnnChristin what I am saying here My own German dates back to senior school (30 years ago) and is absolutely apalling

Meine kleine Heidrun, could you ask AnnChristin to add the missing words here to make this text translatable. Even as a meaning only translation it seems improbable that a readable text can be made of it. Vielendanke


CC: iamfromaustria

5 Sierpień 2008 00:31

Liczba postów: 330
The German text does hardly make sense to an outsider, too. It is a bit cryptic, and it contains some slang. On the other hand, if somebody receives this kind of message and does not understand it, it should be translated as is, isn't that so? The sender and receiver will understand...
As long as the text is translated okay, that is.

But if you wish, I will see the patched-up text arrive.

I still cherish my old school teachings Kidding! I speak Dutch, English, German and Frisian practically on a daily basis. Some other languages not as often as that, but enough to understand and use.

As for cats: thank you for the compliment on my avatar.
You've got even more cats than I do ('only' 5)!
Especially the only cat with pedigree, an old Holy Birmese called Dalai, looks a whole lot better than this avatar. I got Dalai as a present for doing voluntairy work as a 'foster parent' for cats from an animal shelter. I treated cats (physically and/or mentally) in my own home until they're were well enough to get a new and permanent owner.
Now I run a practice in alternative medicine for animals, mainly cats. It's part-time; the demand is not that huge, but the satisfaction is great. (website www., which you probably can't read, 'cause it's in Dutch, but anyway... )

Kind regards

5 Sierpień 2008 00:20

Liczba postów: 1335
Ann-Christin, könntest du dir bitte den Text noch einmal anschauen und auf Fehler korrigieren? (z.B. "woll" --> "wohl", "bessa" --> "besser" ). Besonders für Leute, die Deutsch nicht als Muttersprache haben ist es erheblich schwieriger, einen Text mit Rechtschreibfehlern etc. zu übersetzen. Im schlimmsten Fall würde die ganze Anfrage ohne abgeschlossener Übersetzung abgelehnt werden.

6 Sierpień 2008 01:08

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Jollyo

I agree that we should always try and keep the tone of the original texts when we translate, so it will be fine translating this in a slangy English, no problem.

It's just a pity that AnnCristin missed out a few words. I would have made the text easier to understand

If she doesn't add the missing words I'll validate your version without them


6 Sierpień 2008 18:57

Liczba postów: 1335
Should I correct the German text? (it wouldn't be a problem for me...)

7 Sierpień 2008 15:17

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Heidrun

That would be really nice of you, thanks ever so much.


7 Sierpień 2008 19:22

Liczba postów: 1335
I put my text in the comments field.

Some inputs from me:

The second sentence is not correct in English, it should be something like: "Concerning Hannover, it probably won't work out."

I'm not sure if you can say "That that with the weekend" either. "Aber das mit dem Wochenende" should say something like "concerning this weekend" or meaningly "That what we have planned for this weekend". It's the same with the 2nd sentence ("Das mit Hannover". Maybe Tantine knows what to say in English to express the same in a "slangy tone".

8 Sierpień 2008 00:26

Liczba postów: 330
I'm not sure the 'das mit dem wochenende' actually means that there were any plans... We do not know a lot at all, do we?
I can agree to 'concerning this weekend'. But is it slangy enough? Tantine? How rusty is your German? Probably still smooth enough to make out the slangy stuff into the same style in English.

8 Sierpień 2008 02:42

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Heidrun, dänkeschön for the suggestions and also for editing the source text.

Hi Jollyo

You do a great voluntary job. I’m really into alternative medicine for humans and animals alike. I’ve also got three dogs, cows, calves, sheep lambs.

I suggest the following corrections:

So, I am back again! Hanover is off. But the weekend is on. Sure, why not get to know each other better! I love you more than anything, darling.

Let me know what you think. Maybe you have an idea for something a little “snappier” for the beginning of the text.


8 Sierpień 2008 01:59

Liczba postów: 330
'Hanover is off. But the weekend is on.'
I'm not sure if this actually covers the text.
What do you think, Heidrun?

'Sure, why not get to know each other better!'
to get to know is a very good suggestion. And I miss the 'when' part...

'I love you more than anything'

8 Sierpień 2008 02:03

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi, me again

Yes keep the when, but maybe we should put "Sure, why not, when we've got to know each other better"

The "Hanover" bit needs some reflexion, let's sleep on it and see what comes out in the morning. I'm sure we can find something more adequate.


8 Sierpień 2008 15:42

Liczba postów: 1335
"Das mit dem Wochenende" definitely means, that they have already talked about doing something and s/he's now referring to it again.

I think it's a good suggestion, Tantine, but I would say something like "I guess Hannover is off", because in the original it says that most probably it won't work out.

I hope it helps.

9 Sierpień 2008 00:31

Liczba postów: 330
No better options have come to my mind...
'I guess Hannover is off' ??
I'll adapt and meanwhile await your approval.

9 Sierpień 2008 00:50

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Jollyo

Just one tiny edit. I think it would read better if we put:

"But as for the weekend..." Let me know, once it's decided I'll validate


10 Sierpień 2008 11:35

Liczba postów: 330
Good idea! Thanks.
I've just edited the text.

11 Sierpień 2008 01:55

Liczba postów: 2747

It's validated


12 Sierpień 2008 22:51

Liczba postów: 330
We finally worked it out.
Thanks for the help.

14 Sierpień 2008 05:33

Liczba postów: 2747