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17 September 2008 21:55  

Number of messages: 3706
Most of Cucumis formatting tricks are kept hidden here.

To write in blue, one must do like this:

== This is a sample ==

which gives

This is a sample


17 September 2008 22:17  

Number of messages: 567
Gonci, tell us for the number of watermelons, please!
example: why Francky has only two?

17 September 2008 22:07  

Number of messages: 3706
The number of watermelon slices has to do with the translation activity. Francky seems not to be translating very much last times.

However, he has performed lots of administrative tasks, which don't grant him any slices... Poor man!

17 September 2008 23:14  

Number of messages: 567
Oh, He works so hard here...

Thanks a lot, Gonci!

Francky, you're an example today - twice

18 September 2008 17:56  

Number of messages: 1206
Thank you all for these answers!

It helped a lot!

Stupid of me not to notice the answer to my question in Casper's message...

Big to all!
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