Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Projec - Export

Problem report

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25 April 2010 19:27  

Number of messages: 6

I have set up a Project and imported the original set of text.
For export, I set up a Template with:
I then processed to "Export to a language file" and select English and the template. I click on Save and the page reloads. It now shows export.tar.gz but when I click it, I dont get to download the file but rather I'm redirected to

Am I doing something wrong?

I think this site is great and could really use it for a few application translations.


2 May 2010 17:00  

Number of messages: 385
The project pages have not been used a lot. I will have a look and come back to you. I hope people will help you to transalte your project, I'll translate a couple of french texts.

[edit] Well after testing, it seems it doesn't work anymore like expected. I'll have to fix it.Also I was not able to transalte on chrome. So many problems as navigators eveolved but this section of the site was nto used.

3 May 2010 15:29  

Number of messages: 6
Thanks, jp.

I dont know how this site is organized, but I would be happy to voluteer and take a look at the project feature.

Also, do you have any documentation on the regular expression syntax that the importer accepts? It seems to be slightly different then regular JS because I cannot get rid of the quote character. Every time I include the quote, it fails to parse. If I try the same regular expression and content with a JS regular expression tester, it splits it as intended.

Yes, it would be great if users from this site help out but I had in mind to redirect people to cucumis to do the translations here. Right now we have a bad system in place where I send people the language files and it becomes complicated if I have more than one person for a language.


3 May 2010 17:08  

Number of messages: 385
The problem is fixed for the tar.gz (php have been recompiled with zip library).

I've just created a draft of template documentation

On your project I've created a "jp test" template to show you how it works. Le tme know if you ned more info.

With the "jp test" template, the english language file looks like this :

// Language file

Bill_AddPhotoButton = "Take Picture of Receipt";
Bill_CommentLabel = "Comment";
Bill_CommentPlaceholder = "Add a comment";
Bill_Date = "Date";
Bill_NamePlaceholder = "Add name";
Bill_NewBill = "New Bill";
Bill_Payee = "Payee";
Bill_PeopleRequired = "You have to add people to the event before you can create bills!";
Bill_PeopleSplitLabel = "People Splitting Bill";
Bill_PreviewBill = "Bill Details";
Bill_RetakePhotoButton = "Retake Picture of Receipt";
Bill_SplitCoefficients = "Use coefficients?";
Bill_SplitEqual = "Split equally?";
Bill_ValuePlaceholder = "0.00";
Event_AddNewPersonLabel = "Add New Person";
Event_CoefficientLabel = "Default Coefficient";
Event_DefaultCoefficient = "1.0";
Event_NameLabel = "Event Name";
Event_NamePlaceholder = "Add Event Name";
Event_PeopleLabel = "People";
Feedback_YourFeedback = "Your feedback:";
Friend_Menu = "Send splitCosts to a Friend";
Friend_Message = "Your friend wants you to try splitCosts! You can download it for your BlackBerry here:";
Friend_Subject = "Try splitCosts today!";
General_About = "About splitCosts";
General_Back = "Back";
General_Cancel = "Cancel";
General_Currency = "Currency";
General_Delete = "Delete";
General_Done = "Done";
General_Edit = "Edit";
General_FAQ = "FAQ";
General_Feedback = "Feedback";
General_Help = "Help";
General_Name = "Name";
General_New = "New";
General_Options = "Options";
General_Payments = "Payments";
General_Save = "Save";
General_SendUsFeedback = "Send us Feedback";
General_Settle = "Settle";
General_Show = "Show";
General_TotalAmount = "Total Amount";
General_Update = "Check for Update";
Help_BillList = "You are within an event. You can create new and edit existing bills as well as settle an event. Settling an event provides a summary about how much each person owes to one another.";
Help_EventList = "Welcome to splitCosts! Behind this dialog you see the event list. You can create new events, edit existing events and by selecting an event can see all the bills that belong to it.";
Other_No = "No";
Other_Yes = "Yes";
Person_AddEmailPlaceHolder = "Add Email";
Person_AddNewPerson = "Add New Person";
Person_AddPersonNamePlaceHolder = "Add Person Name";
Settings = "Settings";
Settle_Costs = "Costs";
Settle_Description = "Description";
Settle_Details = "Details";
Settle_EmailGroupReport = "Email report to group";
Settle_EmailIndividualReport = "Email report to individual";
Settle_EmailSubject = "Expense Report for";
Settle_Expenses = "Expenses";
Settle_NoBills = "You don't have any bills to settle!";
Settle_NumPeople = "# of People";
Settle_Owes = "owes";
Settle_Paid = "Paid";
Settle_PaidBy = "Paid by";
Settle_PaidFor = "Paid for";
Settle_PeopleDetails = "Details for each person";
Settle_Report = "Report";
Settle_Summary = "Summary";
Settle_WhoOwesWhom = "Who owes what to whom:";

3 May 2010 21:58  

Number of messages: 6
Thanks a lot. Yes, that works for me.

On the import, my raw data looks like this:
About_Info#0="splitCosts for BlackBerry is developed by Moon Monkey Labs based on the original iPhone application by Fonzware.\nYou may reach us at";
Bill_AddPhotoButton#0="Take Picture of Receipt";
Bill_CommentPlaceholder#0="Add a comment";

If I use this regular expression - (.+)#0=(.+); - I get the following:
"Take Picture of Receipt"


I want to remove the quotes as well. If I try (.+)#0="(.+)";, it gives me two grouping in the exact way that I want them.
Take Picture of Receipt


I'm testing this at
RegExp: /(.+)#0="(.+)";/g
pattern: (.+)#0="(.+)";
flags: g
2 capturing groups:
group 1: (.+)
group 2: (.+)

What regex dialect does cucumis use?
I also noticed that the import consumes any '\n' I have in my text. This isn't cruial but something I noticed.


4 May 2010 14:14  

Number of messages: 385
Hi, that was a problem with the quote " that was chagned into "

Now it's fixed, your import pattern is working


First time somebody goes so far without my explanations, you must be very clever