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language equivalences: traditional Chinese vs. simplified Chinese

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10 March 2008 07:30  

Number of messages: 78
Why do translations to simplified Chinese take more characters than those to traditional Chinese?


11 March 2008 00:06  

Number of messages: 1263
That is a behaviour, not a difference.
One can also write short in simplified Chinese, and write long in traditional Chinese.

But generally, when you write in simplified, you relax yourself from ancient Chinese wording, and try to write as you speak; and when you write in traditional, you have to alert yourself that you must be serious, and don't rape your language.

10 March 2008 11:39  

Number of messages: 78
It is a difference: 57 vs. 62.
But they're the same writing system. Both can be used for formal or informal. Since, as far as I know, each can be converted into the other, and thus have exactly the same number of characters, why is traditional more succinct?


10 March 2008 13:37  

Number of messages: 2747
Hi stevo

57 vs 62

If I remember rightly, that was exactly the score of the Intersideral Vulcan Death Grip Champions League (Divsion 1)cup final in 23762 (VUT - Venusian Universal Time - About three weeks ago in our Corsican calendar).

The team from Epsilon Lyrae was disqualified during the opening rounds because they energised competitors from all four of their stars, which blew all the stadium's fuses , and in any case, they cheated because they had their whole team fitted out with subdermic carbon plating in the neck and shoulders

My kind regards to your "Targ"



10 March 2008 14:54  

Number of messages: 765
???? But if I´m not mistaken, both the Simplified and Traditional script is Mandarin, only they use the traditional characters in Taiwan, the simplified ones in Mainland China. Or are there other differences as well???

10 March 2008 18:37  

Number of messages: 78
Tant pis que je n'ai aucun intérêt au sport. Mais m'intéresse beaucoup ton histoire.


10 March 2008 21:22  

Number of messages: 3785
I think pluiepoco is right.
The other reason is maybe because we don't have many trad chinese translations. So I would trust more the 57 than the 62.