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Originaltext - Englisch - Human Encounter: An uncensored story of an Iranian musician's encounter with you!

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Human Encounter: An uncensored story of an Iranian musician's encounter with you!
Zu übersetzender Text
Übermittelt von salimworld
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Iranian art rock musician Salim released his 5th album, "Human Encounter". This is a concept album with a story backing up by the artist's real life experiences. Most of the songs are dedicated to events of his life or to the human beings he adores. Here is the full story: [...]

"Human Encounter" is available in MP3 and CD format at <url>. Also watch this album's video trailer at <url>.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
1. The term "Human Encounter" has been already translated at

2. I'd be thankful if you also translate the title!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von lilian canale - 8 Oktober 2011 18:04