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Originaltext - Türkisch - lille pus

momentaner StatusOriginaltext
Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: TürkischDänisch

Kategorie Ausdruck - Liebe / Freundschaft

lille pus
Zu übersetzender Text
Übermittelt von CamillaFriis
Herkunftssprache: Türkisch

Varlığımda değerimi bilmeyeni yokluğumda terbiye ederim. Sanma ki bileklerimdeki jilet kesiği, onlar aşkımızın bedeli, onlar zalimlerin diş izleri.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Before edit: ''Yarlığımda değerimi bilmeyeni yokluğımla terbiye ederim esinti. Sanmaki bileklerimdeki jilet kesiği onlar aşklımızın bedeli onlar zalimlerin diş izleri.''

I took off 'esinti'(='breeze') because it's meaningless in this context.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von 44hazal44 - 3 Juni 2009 13:29

Letzte Beiträge


26 April 2009 18:00

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2118

26 April 2009 18:11

Anzahl der Beiträge: 12396
Thanks Handyy!

Hello CamillaFriis, please do not submit translation requests in double, thank you.

26 April 2009 18:13

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2118

30 Dezember 2009 00:14

Anzahl der Beiträge: 4611
It has not been rejected.

25 Februar 2010 12:05

Anzahl der Beiträge: 4611
Please, could one of my dear Turkish experts provide me a bridge for this one, please.
Thanks in advance.

CC: 44hazal44 CursedZephyr cheesecake

25 Februar 2010 23:20

Anzahl der Beiträge: 980
Sure, here is the bridge:

"I educate/ up-bring the one who doesn't know the value of me at the time I exist. Don't suppose that the ones(the things) on my wrist are the scars of razor, but they are the compensations/cost of our love, they are the teeth of the cruels."

Some parts might seem a little bit complicated, dear Gamine, please ask me if something is not clear.

26 Februar 2010 00:04

Anzahl der Beiträge: 4611
Hello Cheesecake. Thanks for your bridge.
This sentence: "educate/ up-bring the one who doesn't know the value of me at the time I exist."

Do you mean that the person won't appreciate your value as long as you are alive?

26 Februar 2010 12:03

Anzahl der Beiträge: 980
Hum... It's actually, "I will educate the person who doesn't know the value of me while I exist."

Which means; "there is a person who doesn't appreciate my value/ who doesn't aware of my value when I am there/ when I exist. So I will educate/discipline her/him." (Educating and disciplining is with the same sense of saying something like "I will knock the hell out of him/her" but literally it should be "educating" )

Hope it's a bit more clear, but please ask if it's not.

26 Februar 2010 13:13

Anzahl der Beiträge: 4611
Thanks so much Cheesecake. . I,ve got it now.

CC: cheesecake