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Originalan tekst - Engleski - Every girl may not be the queen to her...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiTurski

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Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Every girl may not be the queen to her...
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao 010203
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

Every girl may not be the queen to her boyfriend/husband but will always be a princess to her DAD, which is why they say a girl's dad will remain THE MAN in her life forever. Keep this as your status if you are your dad's princess.
Posljednji uredio Lein - 29 listopad 2010 13:17

Najnovije poruke


29 listopad 2010 13:14

Broj poruka: 8113
I think some edits are needed...
Lein, could you please help?

CC: Lein

29 listopad 2010 13:18

Broj poruka: 3389
I wasn't sure if 'Everygirl' should remain one word (like a name) or not but I think this is what the text is trying to say