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Traduzione - Polacco-Inglese - Jade do pracy.Zostalo tylko 40 dni.potrafilam...

Stato attualeTraduzione
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: PolaccoIngleseSvedese

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Jade do pracy.Zostalo tylko 40 dni.potrafilam...
Aggiunto da pias
Lingua originale: Polacco

Jade do pracy.Zostalo tylko 40 dni.potrafilam uszanowac twoja wole.teraz ty uszanuj moja.bede czekac.pracowac i zajmowac sie milka.a jak przyjedziesz to bede cie juz wszystkim mogla przedstawic,bez wstydu.inaczej nie chce.odezwe sie za pare dni.kocham zawsze marzylam o tym ze milka kiedys bedzie mieszkac za mna.teraz mam szanse.nie bede jej juz zostawiac.zreszta i tak nie mam z kim. nie dostalom wolnego z pracy.

I'm going to work. There're only 40 days left...

Tradotto da alsa
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

I'm going to work. There're only 40 days left. I was able to respect your will, now you respect mine. I'll be waiting, working and looking after Milka. And when you come here I'll be able to introduce you to everybody with no shame. This is how I want it. Will get in touch in a couple of days. Love. I've always dreamt that someday Milka would live with me. Now I've got such a chance. I won't leave her anymore. Besides, there's nobody I could leave her with. I didn't get a day off.
Note sulla traduzione
jade (should be spelled "jadÄ™")in Polish means go by, for example, bus but also "to drive a car". I could translate it as "drive" but from the context I cannot tell whether or not the speaker drives a car. The first sentence might as well be translated as "I'm on my way to work".
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 28 Maggio 2008 03:46