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مشروع - Latin quotes and sentences


عرض النصوص المراد ترجمتها إلى اللغة التالية:

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إقترحت من طرف Porfyhr
4 آب 2007 15:15
Latin quotes and sentences

To gather latin expressions, sentences and quotes with their translations into different languages.

- If you think that there are better suggestions, than the one that is nearest the latin expression, then write the correct one in the text field and the other/s in 'comments'.
- use ~ (for approximative translation)
- use = (for equal translation, i.e. if the best translation isn't the one used in common language)

Latin spellings are used in the expressions:Æ, æ, Œ, œ
as used in medieval and early modern Latin.

> Questions, or do you find something wrong. mail me here
> Do you have quotes/expressions you wish to add? mail me here
> Do you wish to contribute to the project? You are more than welcome in any way. mail me here

'Ego sum qui sum'
