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받은 편지함 - tristangun

약 323개 결과들 중 181 - 200
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2007년 10월 24일 13:31  

게시물 갯수: 1671
On the other hand, the Desert Aria shortens the reprise by more than half

Aber du musst nicht mein ability Deutsch zu lehren glauben!

2007년 10월 24일 13:40  

게시물 갯수: 1671
French - native
English - native
Japanese - native-equivalent
Chinese - intermediate
German - passively intermediate, productively poor

And no Dutch!


2007년 10월 24일 13:57  

게시물 갯수: 1671
Well, I guess six languages are enough for now!
You're still young: if you keep perfecting those languages and learning even more, you'll be amazing when you're an old geezer like me!
I'll go to bed now...shuffle shuffle...
PS: Did you like the avatar? It made me think of you!

2007년 10월 24일 14:09  

게시물 갯수: 1671
I don't know: I saw your picture on the "Some of us" Slide presentation, and I thought you might like the knight avatar!

Anyway, 加油加油(JiaYou, JiaYou)! Good luck with your Chinese(s)!

2007년 10월 24일 14:22  

게시물 갯수: 1671
BuXie. WanAn!

2007년 10월 24일 14:29  

게시물 갯수: 1671
BuXie is another way of saying BuKeQi 不客気, i.e. "You're welcome". BuXie is "You don't need to thank me./There is nothing to thank me for." BuKeQi is "Don't be so formal, I'm happy to help you/I'm your friend!"

Wan means evening, An means comfortable or safe, so
WanAn means "Have a good night"!


2007년 10월 24일 14:33  

게시물 갯수: 3785
Hi, I don't see any possible lithuanian expert out there.

For the negative points, theorically you cant' go under 500 when you request, but in some cases you can't go omre than minus 500.

2007년 10월 24일 20:16  

casper tavernello
게시물 갯수: 5057
Bem...Meu aniversário foi a poucos dias (oba). Eu acabei de voltar das férias. Uma semana incrível em Portugal com duas paradas em Genebra (Suiça)
Eu estou de volta faz algumas semanas e meu Deus...Meu Deus, estou tão feliz por estar de volta. Semana que vem eu vou ter prova então, agora eu tenho que estudar (porta trancada; palavra chave: Red Bull & café)
Fui ao trabalho ontem e...ABN AMRO não existe mais e como a Fortis está ali na esquina, vamos ver se eu continuo trabalhando lá em um mês.
Ai, ai. Vamos ver.

We have ABN-AMRO here in Brasil. My mother had an account on it.

OBS.: this guy/girl is gona blow with so much caffeine.

2007년 10월 25일 10:43  

게시물 갯수: 78
Klingon was invented by Dr. Marc Okrand for Paramount's third Star Trek movie, and it's grown ever since.
See for more info.

2007년 10월 25일 11:37  

게시물 갯수: 78
It's a *real* language, but invented to make the Star *Trek* movies more realistic.


2007년 10월 25일 12:05  

게시물 갯수: 2102
No, Nathan, I'm not. I will do it later, I just have something very urgent to deliver to the arhitects and I haven't so much time to translete it. Be patient.

2007년 10월 25일 12:33  

게시물 갯수: 2481
Yes it's a long time since I've asked you a question about Dutch grammar, still waiting for the reply
don't have msn, not in good terms with it

2007년 10월 25일 13:04  

게시물 갯수: 2102
Look, as an appologize, I have made the translation you asked: "25-th of June, so I am still in vacation. No one from th eclub talked to me about such an alternative. anyway, I said already that I have decided not to play for Steaua. I have explained also the reasons why, and now I wait to see what happens with the transfer disscussions to FC Bruges. But it would be good for everyone to come to an understanding. In the disscussion with Bruges I have not been told anything about this condition, so I am hopeful the negotiations will be finalized, till the end, with succes."

Keep the points, Nathan, I have enough. And, please, don't be upset on me!

2007년 10월 25일 13:05  

게시물 갯수: 1
Non, je suis espagnol. Je suis philologue en langue française.

2007년 10월 25일 13:06  

게시물 갯수: 1335
Poor Nathan, you probably have to lie in your bed, while i need to study till my brain hurts. Sleeping sounds very seductive right now, but unfortunately...

It's really a funny coincidence, but today we read "Nathan der Weise" in our german lesson. :P

Prompt rétablissement!

2007년 10월 25일 13:07  

게시물 갯수: 1335

2007년 10월 25일 13:23  

게시물 갯수: 1655
Yes I can,
you can start translating the whole text, if you can, then ask me for something...
not sure of a fast reply, I'm busy in these days


2007년 10월 25일 14:46  

게시물 갯수: 1335
If you want to be good at languages, you simply have to study them. There's no choice

Did you use the elevator, or did you really WALK? =)
and its good to hear that you feel better now. I guess that's because of my order, not to do anything, that strains your laughing muscles


2007년 10월 25일 15:12  

게시물 갯수: 1335

Talk to you later, I have to watch TV now =)

2007년 10월 25일 16:38  

게시물 갯수: 1335

I guess now we can switch to a more civilized style of writing again

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