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Englisch The Psychoanalytic Approach to Case Formulation...
In this chapter we present an account of psychoanalytic case formulation as it is used clinically in conjunction with psychoanalytic treatment. Because it was developed in a clinical context, it is less formal and systematic than other approaches in this volume which are research based.
Ben bu yaziyi ve devamini cevirmeye basladim, ancak gonderdigim kisimda biraz zorlandim. Sizin nasil cevireceginizi merak ediyorum.. Simdiden tesekkurler

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Vaka Formülasyonuna Psikoanalitik Yaklaşım...
Englisch Giving Peace a Chance: Organizational Leadership, Employee Voice, and Sustainable Peace
Our initial explorations provide some fledging support for our hypotheses that participative leadership practices and employee empowerment can foster more peaceable conditions. How? In simple terms, we suggest that business organizational leaders can give employees opportunities for voice and empower employees to have more control over their work.

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Türkisch barış ve ÅŸans vermek:örgütsel liderlik,çalışanın sesi ve sürdürülebilir barış
Schwedisch Jag har vart på semester över en helg
Jag har vart på semester över en helg

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Englisch I've been on a weekend vacation.
Spanisch He pasado un fin de semana de vacaciones.
Englisch Ok. Don't bother. Thanks for your good words. May...
Ok. Don't bother. Thanks for your good words. May I send mail to you? I hope it isn't a problem for you. By the way, I don't know Spanish and i make my sentences translate. I hope you know English.
Loves : )

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Spanisch Vale. No te molestes.
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Türkisch Tek Ä°nsaat santiyesini ziyaret ettim
Tek Ä°nsaat santiyesini ziyaret ettim

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Englisch I've only visited the construction site.
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Dänisch Kære nummer 46676. jeg er glad for din interesse...
Kære nummer 46676.
Jeg er glad for din interesse og ønsker at lære dig mere at kende.

Jeg har set din profil og er glad for det jeg læser om dig.

Kærlig hilsen fra


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Russisch Дорогой номер 46676!
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Rumänisch Mă jur pe ce vrei tu că spun ceea ce simt , doar...
Mă jur pe ce vrei tu că spun ceea ce simt , doar tu eşti viaţa mea să mor dacă te mint , şi pe cuvînt nu-s vorbe-n vînt. te iubesc

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Englisch I swear on whatever you want
Russisch Клянусь всем чем ты хочешь
Italienisch Giuro che ti amo.
Türkisch fon,belirli bri amacı veya birbirine yakın...
fon,belirli bir amacı veya birbirine yakın amaçlar grubunun gerçekleştirilmesi için belirli kaynakların toplandığı ve harcandığı bütçe bağlantılı veya bütünüyle bütçe dışı kamusal nitelikli özel bir hesap veya mali bir havuzdur.başka bir tanımla fon,bir kanunla veya kanunun verdiği yetkiye dayanarak kurulmuş bulunan,belirli bir amacı gerçekleştirmesi için ayrılan,gerektiğinde kullanılmak üzere genel bütçe içinde veya dışında bir ehsapta hazır bulundurulan parasal kaynaklardır.

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Englisch fund
Koreanisch 기형종

위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.


기형종(畸形腫)은 다른 형태로 분화가 가능한 생식 세포에 의해서 발생하는 종양이다. 보통 남자의 정소, 여자의 난소, 아이의 천골에서 발생한다.

기형종은 주변 세포와 관련없는 조직으로 형성되는 경우가 많은데, 예를 들어 난소에서 발생한 기형종은 체모와 치아로 발달하는 것으로 알려져 있다.


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Englisch Teratomas
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Koreanisch 북한군의 격술은 1963년경부터 일본의 [가라데]를 기초로하여 발전시켜 왔으며 ,...
북한군의 격술은 1963년경부터 일본의 [가라데]를 기초로하여
발전시켜 왔으며 , 현재는 전 군에 일반화 되어 있다.
격술은 아군과 같은 형의 단 및 급수가 없으며,
다음과 같은 7가지의 자세를
기본으로 하여 각종 형이 구성된다.
Tekst dotyczy północno koreańskiego systemu walki KYOKSUL. W przypadku nazw które trudno będzie przetłumaczyć proszę o pozostawienie oryginalnej nazwy z ewentualną sugestią.

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Englisch The KYOKSUL of North Korean Military
Polnisch KYOKSUL z Północno Koreańskiej Armii
Spanisch Estoy como una mamacita
Estoy como una mamacita
Estoy como una mamacita

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Schwedisch Jag är som en mamma.
Litauisch Norėčiau būti dabar šalia
Norėčiau būti dabar šalia

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Rumänisch Mi-ar plăcea să fiu aproape de tine, acum.
Englisch two shoes
Around my neck is superstition
hanging from a chain
because i’ve got my gods but in the end
I make my own way

And my eyes they’ve got some vision
that can see through many lies
ah my eyes they look for better things
the better things to see in life

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Brasilianisches Portugiesisch dois sapatos
Deutsch jo peace kein peil wo ich bin vill in Malibu...
jo peace kein peil wo ich bin vill in Malibu beache

vill lieg ich aber auch in Hawai in der Hängematte^^

kann aber auch sein das ich zuhause bin

vom tennis zurück!

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch jo peace bilmiyorum nerdeyim belki malibuda...
WHEREAS, the Seller makes an irrevocable and firm commitment to source and supply, and the Buyer also makes an irrevocable and firm commitment to purchase and take delivery of the said product commencing in July/August 2008; and

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Türkisch Temmuz/AÄŸustos 2008 de baÅŸlamak üzere;
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Englisch frienship
better to remain with good company to be a good friend

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Türkisch dostluk
Englisch The selection of foods is based on taste...
The selection of foods is based on taste preferences and relative availability price, with different foods competing with another for a place in the consumer's diet.

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Türkisch yemek seçimi
Englisch Urologists care for patients with adrenal...
Urologists care for patients with adrenal disorders principally from the surgical perspective. In this capacity, it is vital to have a fluent knowledge of adrenal anatomy, pathophysiology, and strategies to evalute adrenal disorders. This chapter provides an overview of adrenal pathophysiology and addrsses tactics used in urologic clinical practice to asses and manage surgical adrenal disease.

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Türkisch Ãœrologlar adrenal düzensizlik olan hastaları...
Englisch fuel mix
this is because,as described in section 2 above,we apply our baseline assumption of a constant fuel mix at national level

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Türkisch fuel mix
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