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Originaltext - Englisch - Lest you think this is all great PR for Oropher,...

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Lest you think this is all great PR for Oropher,...
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Übermittelt von caglarkuraner
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Lest you think this is all great PR for Oropher, Thranduil is boss for a good 3,400 of those years. In that time he had to contend with the rise of The Necromancer on his southern borders, and at least one dragon lurking not far to the north. In the meantime, Arnor and its successor states had come and gone and Eregion had both risen high, and fallen into dust. Khazad-dûm had long been abandoned to Durin’s Bane, and the twin dwarf cities of Nogrod and Belegost were but a memory.
11 April 2014 15:44