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Traduzione - Estone-Inglese - Estonian escape

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Estonian escape
Aggiunto da Elena Govor
Lingua originale: Estone

Edgar Kurn oli üks neist rohkem kui 30 000 eestlasest, kelle Nõukogude Liidu okupatsioonivõimud rahvusvahelist õigust rikkudes sõjasuvel 1941 Eestis sundmobiliseerisid. Rinde asemel saadeti eestlased hoopis tagalasse metsatööle, sest neid ei usaldatud. Põhja-Venemaal Kotlase lähedal pidid nii Kurn kui ka tema saatusekaaslased töötama ebainimlikes tingimustes üle poole aasta. Kolmandik meestest suri nälga, nakkushaigustesse või kurnatusse, sest sisuliselt oli tegemist surmalaagritega. Kurnil oli õnn ellu jääda – veebruaris 1942 viidi ta ühes tuhandete teiste eestlastega Tšebarkuli, kus hakati formeerima Eesti diviise.
Note sulla traduzione
This is an extract from the article on

Estonian escape

Tradotto da Bamsse
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Forced to mobilize, in breach with international law, by the Soviet occupation authority, Edgar Kurn was one of more than 30 000 estonians who, during the war-summer of 1941, shared that fate. Instead of being enlisted and sent to the front line the estonians were despatched to
forestry-work in the hinterlands because they were not trusted by the Russians. For more than half a year Kurm, as well as his fellow victims, had to toil in inhumane conditions in the Kotlas region of Northern Russia. A third of the men starved to death, succumbed to infectious deseases or just perished out of exhaustion because, in essence, the place was no more than an extermination-camp. A survivor by luck, Kurn, along with thousands of his compatriots, was taken to TÅ¡ebarkul, where Estonian divisions were now being formed.
Ultima convalida o modifica di Tantine - 19 Maggio 2008 17:05

Ultimi messaggi


27 Aprile 2008 23:54

Numero di messaggi: 2747
Hi Bamsse

Great English, as usual

I've just put in a few commas (my favourite punctuation mark!!) and turned round "now were" for "were now".

I've set a poll


30 Aprile 2008 00:37

Numero di messaggi: 33
Grateful, as always.
