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Oversættelse - Engelsk-Russisk - Important! During a 'random-opponent match, do...

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Kategori Forklaringer - Spil

Important! During a 'random-opponent match, do...
Tilmeldt af duhifat
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

Important! During a 'random-opponent' match, do not send the app to the background (or answer your iPhone), or you might lose the match and your J-coin stake.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
This is a warning inside an iPhone game, that warns the user not to send the application to the background (or in other words: switch to a different app) or answer any phone calls on their iphone during a "Random Opponent" match. Or else: they will lose the game, and their coin stake (bet).

Указание по работе во время операции по поиску случайно-перекрестных совпадений

Oversat af in_samsara
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Russisk

Внимание! Во время игры со "случайным" противником - не сворачивайте приложение (и не отвечайте на звонки), иначе вы можете проиграть и потерять ставку Д-монет.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
A little contexr would be very helpful. Word "монет" represents what J-coins are, it can be omitted, if a user understands the concept of J-coins.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Siberia - 8 Marts 2013 15:14