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Oversættelse - Engelsk-Engelsk - Faulty headset.

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Faulty headset.
Tilmeldt af Claire---31
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

If your headset is faulty, the shop has to replace it and contact its distributor. SouthWing is only the manufacturer and there is an agreement with German distributors that specifies they have to replace the faulty products.

Faulty headset.

Oversat af mateo
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

If your headset is faulty, the shop has to replace it and contact its distributor. Southwing is the only manufacturer and it has an agreement with the German distributors which specifies that the distributors shall replace the faulty products.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af cucumis - 22 Januar 2006 10:33