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24翻译 - 汉语(简体)-英语 - 金融危机下对我国上市公司公允价值问题的探讨

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源语言: 汉语(简体)


金融风暴席卷全球,从美洲、欧洲到亚洲,无一不受到波及。事实证明,此次风暴来袭,首当其冲的就是金融资产,其市场价值应声而落,惨不忍睹。为此,各国政府积极应对,纷纷出台了一些应急办法,以减缓危机带来的金融资产帐面大幅缩水的局面。此前作为预防金融风险利器的公允价值会计准则,在此轮金融危机中却被指责为“雪上加霜”甚至“落井下石”的“帮凶”。面对 飞流直下的股价,上市公司苦不堪言,如果摆脱危机带来的麻烦,已成为上市公司面临的最艰难问题。下文分析和总结了金融危机对我国上市公司公允价值的影响,利用举例法来探讨上市公司应如何摆脱困境。
Well, this is a translation request of my friend, I don't know some of the words in the context, so ..

How is the Financial Crisis affecting China's Listed Companies?

翻译 lutzmartina
目的语言: 英语

From the Americas to Europe and Asia,no nation has been spared the financial turmoil which is sweeping the globe.

The facts show that this time, the shake-up came as a surprise, with the financial assets sector bearing the brunt of its impact. Share values fell right on cue, in a process agonising to witness.

In order to alleviate the damage,national governments responded proactively,each in turn introducing a number of emergency measures to impede the crisis which had already caused funds to reduce considerably.

The fair value accounting standards which had previously been regarded as an effective means to prevent financial risks are,in the present cycle of instability, criticised as “adding insult to injury”, even as an “accomplice” to “kicking a man when he is down”. Confronted with share values in free-fall, our listed companies speak of having reached the limit of their endurance. However, if they manage to break out of this troublesome crisis,they are yet to face the most difficult problem.The text below analyses and summarises the effects of the financial crisis on our listed companies under the “fair value” regulations, and establishes an approach to prevent further crisis situations.

I am re-submitting this, seems that my first submission 2 days ago did not come through.
I know a lot more about the Chinese sharemarket now.

Because the full title is not accepted in any of the fields above, I put it here:
How is the Financial Crisis affecting China's Listed Companies and the “Fair Value” Accounting Standards? An Investigation.
Tantine认可或编辑 - 2009年 六月 14日 11:07



2009年 五月 19日 23:23

文章总计: 2747
Hi it's me again

The English is very good indeed so I have set a poll straight away.

About the title. You are not obliged to translate the title itself. You can also choose a shorter title that sums up the article that you have translated.


2009年 五月 20日 17:03

文章总计: 28
不好意思,这是我的错,我没有仔细检查文本就发上来了,原文的“如果”应为“如何”,所以However, if they manage to break out of this troublesome crisis,they are yet to face the most difficult problem.这句会有问题。这是我的错,抱歉!这句我自己给朋友翻就行了。


2009年 五月 20日 17:11

文章总计: 28
By the way, can the title be translated as "An investigation on how the financial crisis is affecting the fair value of China's listed companies?" Which is right?

2009年 五月 24日 23:08

文章总计: 312
The facts show that this time, the shake-up came as a surprise, with the financial assets sector bearing the brunt of its impact. - The fact shows that as the turmoil attacks, the financial assets sector bears the brunt of its impact.

Ok, the original version wasn't exactly wrong, but I guess the meaning was a little tilted. Not much of a problem though.

2009年 五月 27日 17:38

文章总计: 10
it needs some optimize for choosing better words