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88Translation - Danski-Engleski - For den trætte samfundskroppen...

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This text is available in the following languages: SvedskiDanskiEngleskiNorveskiPoljski

Category Thoughts

For den trætte samfundskroppen...
Submitted by pias
Source language: Danski Translated by gamine

For den trætte samfundskroppen
ville den bedste kuren måske være
hvis tankene i toppen
kom fra roden

Tage Danielsson =)

For the tired body of society

Translated by lenab
Target language: Engleski

For the tired body of society
maybe the best remedy would be
if the thoughts in the top
came from the root

Tage Danielsson =)
Validated by lilian canale - 5 June 2011 14:09