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نص أصلي - انجليزي - hayalet hikayesi

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هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: انجليزيتركي

صنف خيال/ قصة

hayalet hikayesi
نص للترجمة
إقترحت من طرف angelicacık
لغة مصدر: انجليزي

One of them—the son of a colonel in the army, long since dead—this only son kept yet a remnant, if no more, of the faith of his childhood, cherished in him by his widowed mother with jealous care, as he detailed to her from time to time fragments of the nightly discussions against the immortality of the soul.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
bu bir hayalet hikayesidir.hayalet gören insanlardan bahsediyor.bu paragrafın öncesinde bir grup genç bir odada toplanddığı ve hangisinin önce ölürse diğerlerine görüneceğine dair söz verdiği yer almakta
13 تموز 2008 18:23