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62Traduzione - Serbo-Inglese - Volim te ana

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: SerboFranceseInglese

Categoria Poesia

Volim te ana
Aggiunto da Francky5591
Lingua originale: Serbo

Kako se pise ljubav
da li kao jedna rijec
ili su to uvijek
barem dvije najmanje

Ljudi se
oduvijek sastaju
vole i jos
uvijek rastaju

Ljubav se ne pise tako
oko za oko, zub za zub
o, ne, ja ne mogu vise
ja sam stigao na rub

Svaka mi rec
strazu dobija
svaki mi most
na drini cuprija

Sta je to sveto nocas
i vjecno zivote sivi
sveto je ono pred cime drhtis
a cemu se divis

I love you, Ana.

Tradotto da gamine
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

How is love written?
In one word
Or are there always
At least two words?

always meet
Fall in love and
still plit up

Love isn't written that way
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Oh, no. I can't stand it anymore
I'm on the edge

Each of my words
is used carefully
Each of my bridges
is on the Drina

What is sacred tonight
And eternal, oh, my gray life
Blessed, that's what makes you tremble
But that you admire

Note sulla traduzione
Luckywise, know I have my expert to help me. Have done my best, but not sure it's enough.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 5 Aprile 2009 00:16

Ultimi messaggi


4 Aprile 2009 16:48

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Hi Lene

There are some small things to correct:

Still apart ---> Still split up
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Oh non, can't ... ---> Oh, no. I can't...

And eternal, (I think it would sound more poetic) oh, my gloomy night

is it what makes you tremble ---> that's what makes you tremble

The question mark at the end is not needed I guess...

What do you think?

4 Aprile 2009 17:03

Numero di messaggi: 4611
As I told you, I was sure that I needed your help ans I'll edit according to you suggestions.
Thanks Lilian.

4 Aprile 2009 18:44

Numero di messaggi: 279
ma vie grise = more like my dreary/grey life, definitely not "gloomy night", going off the French version anyway.

5 Aprile 2009 00:39

Numero di messaggi: 1
mislim da izraz 'na drini cuprija' u ovoj pesmi ima preneseno znacenje a ne bukvalno. ne mogu da se setim sada..., puno sam daleko od srbije i mozak mi je stao.ali vidim da se Drina nikako ne uklapa u pesmu.... verujem da neko zna o cemu se radi.molim vas pomozite..hvala