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12Traduction - Chinois simplifié-Anglais - 灵感来源

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: Chinois simplifiéAnglais

Catégorie Expression - Arts / Création / Imagination

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Proposé par JOYMOMO
Langue de départ: Chinois simplifié


The source of my inspiration

Traduit par Imhotep
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

The inspiration of this design comes from the painter Klimt, so the key of my design is how to emphasize feminine charm. I use male's suitings and female's chiffon and silk, which contrast strongly with each other, to emphasize my design. Klimt's paintings make an impression of colorful and bold, but I abandoned gold fabric which can best stand for his paintings. On the contrary, I chose black and gray fabric that is not exaggerated. I hope it is my design rather than the fabric that makes people think of Klimt. You can find something of Klimt through details of my design, such as round flowers, pendulous belts, etc., and all of those are inspiration I derived from Klimt's paintings. There are a little chiffon in my design, by which I wish to show women's grace in a way of contrasting, and grace, is what I see most from Klimt's paintings.
Commentaires pour la traduction

Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 9 Juin 2008 17:37

Derniers messages


3 Juin 2008 04:04

Nombre de messages: 1263
hope to是错误的。

3 Juin 2008 06:42

Nombre de messages: 28
谢谢指教<(_ _)>。汗颜。。。。学了那么多年还是犯这种低级错误。。。-_-;