Cucumis - Serviciu gratuit de traducere pe web
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Textul original - Engleză - Many thanks

Status actualTextul original
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: EnglezăSpaniolăChinezăThaiChineză simplificată
Traduceri cerute: Malaieziană

Categorie Scrisoare/Email - Afaceri/Locuri de muncă

Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Many thanks
Text de tradus
Înscris de Siberia
Limba sursă: Engleză

Many thanks for your contribution to the event and for helping it become a success. It was a pleasure having you as a guest!
Observaţii despre traducere
Other languages may be: HIRI MOTU or TOK PISIN.
Editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 24 Februarie 2014 12:13

Ultimele mesaje


7 August 2013 14:15

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Hi Sibéria,

May I give a suggestion about the text?
I'd say:

Many thanks for your contribution to the event and for helping it become a success. It was a pleasure having you as a guest!

7 August 2013 15:42

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 611
Hi Lilian,

of course, thank you for the suggestion

24 Februarie 2014 12:11

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Hi again Siberia,

As you may have noticed for being a quite simple text some new members not used to our features have translated it into languages you haven't required because of the "other languages" flag.
I have removed that flag to avoid more work for us, rejecting translations that are not needed, ok?