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Tercüme - İngilizce-Swahili Dili - Too late for the happy new year...

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Kategori Website / Blog / Forum - Bilgisayarlar / Internet

Too late for the happy new year...
İngilizce-Swahili Dili
Öneri cucumis
Kaynak dil: İngilizce

Well... Too late for the happy new year, I'm busy with my current job, but you're still in my mind, dear friends and colleagues of

lilian canale and Francky5591 are still taking care of the administration, and they are now assisted by Bamsa, Freya and gamine, also hard workers!

We have now a FAQ page, which was highly requested, and also new, young and talented experts, value does not depend on age

Another novelty, the Google search is now integrated to the site, much more handy for the users, members, experts and admins, who are looking for the translations already done on

This is not a secret, I'm very busy with my indie game developer job. If you want to know why I'm not connecting as often as I should on Cucumis, visit the iPhone games I've created.

By the way, I'm much more responsive on twitter if you want to contact me.
23 Mayıs 2011 11:14