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569Vertaling - Engels-Albanees - Each small candle

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Aangevraagde vertalingen: Klassiek Chinees / Wényánwén

Categorie Liedje

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Each small candle
Opgestuurd door Rumo
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
Details voor de vertaling
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

Çdo qiri i vogël

Vertaald door Lirije
Doel-taal: Albanees

Tortura nuk do të më frikësojë
As rënia e fundit e trupit
As tytat e pushkëve të vdekjes
As jihet mbi mur
As nata, kur mbi dhe
Rrëzohet dhimbja e fundit e yllit të zbehtë
Por më tremb pandjesia e verbër
Dhe bota e pamëshirshme, pa ndjenja

Dhe çdo qiri i vogël
Ndrit nga një kënd të errët
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door Sangria - 13 juli 2007 09:01