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翻訳 - スペイン語-英語 - esta canción que nace de la tristeza se fue...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: スペイン語英語 ヘブライ語


esta canción que nace de la tristeza se fue...
原稿の言語: スペイン語

esta canción que nace
de la tristeza se fue forjando
cuando con tu pañuelo
el adiós me decías
nunca creí que el olvido
en las tinieblas (falta)

en el puerto tu imagen
que lentamente desaparece
esos dos chiquilines
no se imaginaban
que las aguas profundas
eternamente los separaban

vagué yo por los (falta)
solo estuve en la playa
para recordar tu pelo
tus rojos labios tu risa clara
yo soy como una luna
y solo vivo con tu luz

que sensación extraña oír tu voz en el horizonte
quién sabe si existo en el mar de tus sueños
los días son tan largos y tan porfiados los pensamientos

this song that is born

lilian canale様が翻訳しました
翻訳の言語: 英語

this song that is born
from the sorrow and started being forged
when with your handkerchief
the farewell you implied
I never believed that the oblivion
in the darkness (missing word)

in the harbor your image
which slowly disappears
those two kids
couldn’t imagine
that the deep waters
put them apart forever

I wandered around (missing word)
I was alone in the beach
to remember your hair
your red lips, your bright laugh
I am like a moon
and I just live through your light

What a weird feeling, hearing your voice in the horizon
I wonder if I exist in the sea of your dreams
the days are so long and so stubborn are the thoughts...
最終承認・編集者 dramati - 2008年 1月 29日 06:00



2008年 1月 28日 06:56

投稿数: 972
The English looks ok, but there are words missing from the origional. I want an administrator to look at this to make a decision if it should be rejected because of that, or put to a vote.


2008年 1月 28日 10:24

投稿数: 12396
maybe just a few edits by lilian would be fine?

CC: dramati

2008年 1月 28日 10:45

投稿数: 972
I am sure it would be. The problem is, she noticed that there are words missing in the origional. If any of those missing words are important to the text, it might make the translation less than accurate. I have no way of knowing this.

2008年 1月 28日 10:58

投稿数: 12396
Maybe ahikamr (who submitted this text) and guilon (Spanish expert) could help about the original text as well, at least telling what they think about this pb?

CC: guilon

2009年 1月 28日 20:20

投稿数: 2
i know that song
the miss word are "i would hug you" ("te abrazaria" or something) in the first part
and the second one is "hill" ("egros" i think)

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