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Translation - Serbian-German - ostaje nada da che nekad negdje netko htjeti da...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianGerman

ostaje nada da che nekad negdje netko htjeti da...
Submitted by PuRez-GiifT
Source language: Serbian

ostaje nada da che nekad...negdje...netko...htjeti da shvati mene...moja lutanja...mashtanja i sanjanja...
Remarks about the translation
Wäre lieb wenn mir das jmd übersetzen könnte, is echt wichtig! :)

Es bleibt die Hoffnung...

Translated by Rodrigues
Target language: German

Es bleibt die Hoffnung, dass manchmal...mancherorts...jemand...sich wünscht, mich zu verstehen...meine Streifzüge...meine Luftschlösser und Träume..."
Remarks about the translation
translated using english bridge from maki_sindja.

points shared.
Validated by Bhatarsaigh - 30 June 2008 22:23