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Original text - English - I can't believe it's hapening with me. I studied...

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กลุ่ม Free writing - Daily life

I can't believe it's hapening with me. I studied...
Text to be translated
Submitted by Trash Deluxe
Source language: English

I can't believe it's happening with me. I studied so hard during these months and now... I cannot do this test! Unbelievable!
16 April 2008 15:37



16 April 2008 15:34

จำนวนข้อความ: 145
This text has a spelling error and a very bad swear word.

Este texto tem um erro ortográfico e um palavrão mau.

Este texto tiene un error ortográfico y una palabrota malo.

Ce texte a une faute d'orthographe et un juron mauvais.