Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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번역 - 영어-프리지아어 - Foreign language

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 영어이탈리아어네덜란드어포르투갈어브라질 포르투갈어일본어러시아어덴마크어세르비아어아라비아어알바니아어히브리어터키어루마니아어에스페란토어그리스어스페인어독일어우크라이나어카탈로니아어간이화된 중국어전통 중국어불가리아어핀란드어프랑스어헝가리어크로아티아어폴란드어스웨덴어영어리투아니아어보스니아어노르웨이어에스토니아어브르타뉴어한국어프리지아어체코어페로어라트비아어페르시아어라틴어아이슬란드어인도네시아어슬로바키아어클린곤어아프리칸스어그루지야어마케도니아어타이어
요청된 번역물: 아일랜드어베트남어

Foreign language
cucumis에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

When you don't know any foreign language, we allow you to use cucumis by giving you %p points every %d days (only when you log in and when you actually need them).

bûtenlanse talen

ela1986에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 프리지아어

Asto gjin bûtenlanse taal kinst, stean wy dy ta cucumis te brûke troch dy elke %d dagen %p punten te jaan (allinich asto ynloggest en asto sy werklik nedich haste).
Francky5591에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 7월 9일 11:25

마지막 글


2008년 1월 23일 18:53

게시물 갯수: 3785
Hi ela, could you edit your translation and put somewhere %d ? Imagine that %p and %d are 2 numbers. They will be replaced by numbers once they are shown online. Thx

2008년 7월 8일 23:07

게시물 갯수: 330
The above mentioned translation by ela1986 is made in Ostfrisian dialect, spoken in Germany.
The official Frisian language (to which also the flag points out) is spoken and written quite different. Ela1986 is aware of this already.
For reasons of accuracy, in my opinion you should replace the first translation with the this one.

"bûtenlanse talen"

Asto gjin bûtenlanse taal kinst, stean wy dy ta cucumis te brûke troch dy elke %d dagen %p punten te jaan (allinich asto ynloggest en asto sy werklik nedich haste)."

This way the website will be more like you probably want it to be.


2008년 7월 9일 01:07

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
Hi jollyo, you are the Frisian expert, therefore you could correct the entire Frisian interface if you have some time for that. It would be of great help.
There is no use in calling for an admin for each and every wrong translation you find.

What do you think jp?

2008년 7월 9일 11:45

게시물 갯수: 12396
Done! Thanks jollyo!

Yes, Lilian, this is a problem that isn't solved yet, we should know what to do about after JP answered (I'm going to "cc" him from here)

2008년 7월 9일 11:51

게시물 갯수: 12396
Please JP could you tell us what to do here, it seems it isn't that simple editing Ostfrisian texts with Frisian any time it is notified by jollyo...Shouldn't we keep Ostfrisian under the Ostfrisian flag (there must be some, isn't it?) since there's already an existing interface for it? ... and ask jollyo to start translating the whole proper Frisian interface under this already existing official Frisian flag? That would be kind of fair with ela 1986 who worked on it, her work wouldn't be erased,what do you think?

2008년 7월 9일 12:01

게시물 갯수: 12396
I found the Ostfrisian coat of arms :

 Ostfrisian flag.jpg

2008년 7월 9일 12:15

게시물 갯수: 330
Let me know what you all decide.
Please also note that Ostfrisian is not a language. The administrators of this website should decide whether to include dialects to the website as well.
