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ترجمة - تركي-انجليزي - Eczacılık mesleÄŸi ile örnek röportaj

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: تركيانجليزي

صنف كتابة حرّة

تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
Eczacılık mesleği ile örnek röportaj
إقترحت من طرف efe1513
لغة مصدر: تركي

Eczacılığa kaç yaşında başladınız?
20 yaşında başladım
Eczacılığı niçin seçtiniz?
Çocukluk hayalimdi. Sermaye bulunca da yapmaya karar verdim.
Eczacılık üzerine eğitim aldınız mı?
Evet. Eğitim aldım.
Okuduğunuz okullar ve bölümleri neydi?
Ankara ODTÜ üniversitesinde eczalık bölümünde eğitimimi tamamladım
Eczacılığı seviyor musunuz?
Eczacılığa ilk başladığınızda bu kadar ilerleye bileceğinizi tahmin edebildiniz mi?
Evet. Ben her zaman hayallerimi büyük tuttum o yüzden bu gün buradayım.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
ingiliz lehçesi olsun lütfen...

ترجمة مرفوضة
An example interview about pharmacy

ترجمت من طرف cheesecake
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

At what age did you start pharmacy?
I started at the age of 20
Why did you choose pharmacy?
It was my childhood dream. I decided to make it when I found capital stock.
Did you get education about pharmacy?
Yes, I did.
What were the school name and the faculty that you studied?
I finished my education at Ankara ODTÜ University at the pharmacy department.
Do you like pharmacy?
Did you guess that you would be improved that much when you were at the beginning?
Yes. I always dreamed the greatest one, so that's why now I am here.
رفضت من طرف Tantine - 22 كانون الثاني 2009 17:12

آخر رسائل


22 كانون الثاني 2009 17:11

عدد الرسائل: 2747
Hi cheesecake

As there is an enormous backlog of translations into English awaiting evaluation, I have very little time for cleaning up texts or suggesting corrections. (I am even copy/pasting this note so as to gain time).

As your text contains several errors or approximations I have, unfortunately, had to reject it.

I will be thrilled when the terrible backlog of evaluations has disappeared, as I will be able to take the time I normally take for explaining things. Sorry
