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Translation - Spanish-Latin - Dioses del Abismo

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Spanish

Category Games

Dioses del Abismo
Submitted by Danielmb1202
Source language: Spanish

Dioses del Abismo
Remarks about the translation
De forma que funcione para el nombre de un equipo o similar.

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Dei gurgitis Dei voraginis

Translated by Dwayn_
Target language: Latin

Dei gurgitis

Dei voraginis
Remarks about the translation
"Dei" = Dioses

"Gurgitum" significa también torbellino.

"Voraginis" también significa vórtice.

Elige la frase que prefieres.

¡ Hasta luego :) !
4 January 2018 22:46