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266Prevođenje - Engleski-Francuski - Sometimes late at night I lie awake and watch her...

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiPoljskiNjemačkiBrazilski portugalskiTurskiTalijanskiNizozemskiRumunjskiŠvedskiBugarskiŠpanjolskiNorveškiAlbanskiFrancuskiDanski

Kategorija Pjesma - Ljubav / Prijateljstvo

Sometimes late at night I lie awake and watch her...
Poslao Ant[oo]
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping.
She's lost in peaceful dreams,
so I turn out the lights and lay there in dark
and the thought crosses my mind
if I never wake up in the morning.
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
about her in my heart?
If tomorrow never comes,
will she know how much I loved her?
Did I try in every way
to show her every day
that she's my only one?
Primjedbe o prijevodu
The text is from the song "If tomorrow never comes".
It´s my boyfriends and my song. I want to sing it for him in Polish, because he came from Poland.

Si demain n'arrive jamais.

Preveo gamine
Ciljni jezik: Francuski

Parfois, tard dans la nuit
Je reste éveillé et la regarde dormir.
Elle est perdue dans des rêves paisibles
Alors j'éteins la lumière et reste dans l'obscurité
Et la pensée me traverse l'esprit que
Si jamais je ne me réveillais pas le matin,
Se douterait-elle jamais de ce que je ressens
pour elle dans mon cœur?
Si demain ne vient jamais
saura-t'elle combien je l'aimais?
Ai-je essayé par tous les moyens
de lui montrer tous les jours
qu'elle seule compte pour moi?
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Francky5591 - 2 srpanj 2010 10:09