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Traduzione - Ebraico-Inglese - בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: EbraicoInglese
Traduzioni richieste: Hindi

Categoria Frase - Vita quotidiana

בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור
Aggiunto da shirCucumis
Lingua originale: Ebraico

בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור
Note sulla traduzione
אנגלית אמריקנית

Let's toast to that, you fox

Tradotto da duhifat
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Let's drink to that, you fox
Note sulla traduzione
Fox might be replaced by any of the following words, for the lack of an accurate translation to the Hebrew word "קומבינטור":

Trickster, Snake, Weasel, Conniving, Smooth-talker, Sweet-talker...
It should be a POSITIVE word signifying someone slick who gets around, gets what he wants by knowing the right people, and pushing the right buttons.
Ultima convalida o modifica di Lein - 18 Novembre 2014 14:40

Ultimi messaggi


25 Aprile 2014 17:02

Numero di messaggi: 25
נשתה לחיים means making a toast, not just drinking. In English speaking countries people clink their glasses together and say cheers. In Israel they say לחיים, which means for life. And I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I think fox has a sexual connotation, and קומבינטור definitely doesn't. It just means someone who's really good at manipulating.

13 Luglio 2014 08:00

Numero di messaggi: 7
בוא נשתה, ערמומי שכמותך