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Traducerea - Engleză-Limba latină - Grow old together with hope

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Grow old together with hope
Înscris de dunbar22
Limba sursă: Engleză

Grow old together with hope
Observaţii despre traducere
It is for an engraving on a ring so doesn't need to be literal translation but the most poetic way to say it or similar in Latin would be really nice

Atenţie, această traducere nu a fost încă evaluată de un expert şi ar putea fi greşită!
Ūnā crescĭte lumine spei
Limba latină

Tradus de Dwayn_
Limba ţintă: Limba latină

Ūnā crescĭte lumine spei
Observaţii despre traducere
"Ūnā" means "Like one", "together"

"crescÄ­te" Grow (imperative plural)

"lumine" By the light

"spei" of hope

So : "Together, grow by the light of hope"

You can remove diacritics if you want, it's not really important, except for style.

Congratulations to them :)
4 Ianuarie 2018 22:42