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Traducerea - Limba persană-Engleză - mojtaba in akharin sms ke midam dige ghoruram...

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mojtaba in akharin sms ke midam dige ghoruram...
Înscris de sylwia24
Limba sursă: Limba persană

mojtaba in akharin sms ke midam dige ghoruram ejaze nemide age chizi shode roko rast begu bhera javabamo nemidi? bet nagoftam ba man mesle 1adam raftar kon?
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Mojtaba, this is my last SMS to you...

Tradus de ghasemkiani
Limba ţintă: Engleză

Mojtaba, this is my last SMS to you. My self-esteem doesn't allow it anymore. If there is any problem, tell me frankly; why don't you answer me? Didn't I ask you to treat me like a human being?
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 21 Martie 2009 17:49