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Traducción - Macedonio-Serbio - Zajdi,jasno sonce

Estado actualTraducción
Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: MacedonioSerbioCroata

Zajdi,jasno sonce
Propuesto por rast
Idioma de origen: Macedonio

Zajdi,jasno sonce

Sjajno sunce, zadji

Traducido por maqdalena
Idioma de destino: Serbio

Sjajno sunce, zadji
Última validación o corrección por Roller-Coaster - 20 Febrero 2008 07:56

Último mensaje


16 Febrero 2008 20:34

Cantidad de envíos: 930
Sandra, can you tell me why you voted "no" for this text?

CC: sandra saska

17 Febrero 2008 12:32

sandra saska
Cantidad de envíos: 24
The translation should be "Zadji jasno sunce". "Jasno" means clear, bright and "sjajan" means shiny. That's why i voted "no". "jasno" is similar with "sjajno", but I thought it's more correct to be "jasno"

17 Febrero 2008 12:30

Cantidad de envíos: 930

Magdalena, what do you think about this?

17 Febrero 2008 15:01

Cantidad de envíos: 2
I am not sure if adj. "jasno" in serabian means the same as in macedonian language. In serbian "jasno" is rather used as "clearly" and not as adjective but as adwerb added to which in figuartive meaning, for example in phrase: Jasno se izraziti. Originally it meant "bright", but I think that commonly is not used in that meaning, an that it's archaic. That's the reason why I chosed "sjajno", and after all I have a new idea how to translate "jasno"+>"svetlo". Then: "Svetlo sunce, zadji." But as a translation of verse from macedonian folk song "Zajdi, zajdi jasno solnce" in searbian: "Zadji, zadji svetlo sunce".