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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - Many researchers have debated the merits and...

Aktuel statusOprindelig tekst
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: Engelsk

Kategori Essay - Samfund / Mennesker / Politik

For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning".
Many researchers have debated the merits and...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af betülkırdük
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

Many researchers have debated the merits
and consequences of World Heritage. While this work remains critical,
my own contribution specifically traces the international political pacting,
national economic interests, and voting blocs through which particular
states increasingly set the World Heritage agenda and recast UNESCO as
an agency for global branding rather than global conservation.
30 November 2014 17:31